We offer a comprehensive range of in-house air quality management products that may be customized into a strategy that best delivers the power of our products incombination with your systems and requirements.

Throughout the years, we have observed organisations experiencing ever increasing pressure to manage their impacts on air quality in compliance with overarching national regulations and standards whilst remaining sustainable and economically viable. We have worked hand-in-hand with air quality specialists, witnessing these tough challenges and great successes that come with implementing the appropriate air quality management solutions.

Shangoni provides the following services related to air quality:

+ - Atmospheric Emission LIcence Application

In terms of the National Environmental Management Air Quality Act, no person may conduct an activity listed on the national list anywhere in the Republic or listed on a list applicable in a province anywhere in that province without a provisional Atmospheric Emission Licence or an Atmospheric Emission Licence (AEL). Shangoni provides technical support in the compilation of the application form for the AEL.

We also provide associated services, such as:

Atmospheric Impact Assessments;

Full and Basic Environmental Impact Assessments; and

Public Participation.

+ - Atmospheric Impact Assessment

The purpose of an Atmospheric Impact Assessment is to identify all sources of emissions, determine the potential impact these sources may have on sensitive receptors, and to provide recommendations on the control and management of these emissions.

Atmospheric Impact Assessments are conducted in support of a number of authorisation processes such as:

Atmospheric Emission Licence applications,

Full and Basic Environmental Impact Assessments and

Mining Right applications.

+ - Dispersion Modeling

Dispersion modeling plays a key role in Atmospheric Impact Assessments for both existing and proposed facilities.

These models may however also be used for guidance in the following:

Emergency planning for accidental chemical release;

To identify areas most appropriate for monitoring;

To identify buffer zones; and

The effects of different stack designs in an area.

+ - Dust Control

The National Dust Control Regulations, published on the 1st of November 2013, prescribe general measures for the control of dust in all areas including residential and non-residential areas. The following products have been developed to aid our clients in complying with these regulations:

Compliance evaluation of existing monitoring systems and equipment;

Dustfall monitoring programme;

Dustfall monitoring report;

Ambient air quality monitoring of PM10.

+ - Air Quality Monitoring

Applying simulated results together with operational information, Shangoni can develop site specific:

Dustfall monitoring programmes;

Leak detection and repair programmes;

Odour Management Plans;

Fugitive Management Plans; and

Pollution Prevention Plans.


Applying simulated results together with operational information, Shangoni can develop site specific:

Dustfall monitoring programmes

Leak detection and repair programmes

Odour Management Plans

Fugitive Management Plans

Pollution Prevention Plans


Services specifically focussed on the agriculture sector include:

Compilation of Greenhouse Gas Inventories

Carbon Footprint Development and Audits

CDM Valication and Verification Audits

Acting as technical specialist to ERM

Fertiliser Recommendations

To provide assistance with GRI reporting and performance assessment.

Download the brochure for more info


Jan Nel



012 807 7036