Mere access to legislation does not guarantee HSE legal compliance. As HSE legal compliance and reporting duties are becoming more complex, specialist legal knowledge and skills are required. However, it is not always possible for clients to appoint such a specialist on a permanent basis in light of the economic challenges faced. Shangoni Legal Services strive to provide solutions for our clients by the provision of in-house legal services on a contractual basis, assisting clients in implementing legal requirements. Periodic site visits are conducted by our legal specialists to ensure proper assistance to the client.

Shangoni has qualified attorneys that can provide the following legal assistance:

General legal advice

The review of relevant internal company procedures and documentation

Assistance during HSE related meetings

Assistance with HSE related contracts

HSE contractor packs

Geophysical studies for siting monitoring boreholes or for industrial and household supply.

Legal Appointments

Correspondence with authorities as required

Assistance during authority inspections

Preparation for authority inspections

Due diligence investigations

Shangoni Legal Services also developed a range of legal tools that assists our clients in integrating legal requirements in its operations to improve governance. These legal tools consist of the following registers:

+ - Reportable Conditions Register

A Reportable Conditions Register is a Register that reflects all HSE authorisations’ conditions that impose a duty on the company to report certain information to a Government Authority, as well as the current status of reporting done. Once the Register has been completed, assistance can be provided during the first round of reporting to relevant Authorities in accordance with the Register;

+ - Authorisation Register

An Authorisation Register includes all conditions of the relevant authorisations and specifies the action to be taken by the company to ensure compliance with the conditions of the authorisation.

+ - Authorisation Requirements Register

An Authorisation Requirements Register is customised to reflect the company’s internal  process to be followed when a new activity is planned that may require an environmental authorisation in terms of NEMA and the Specific Environmental Management Acts, including the Environment Conservation Act 73 of 1989, the National Water Act 36 of 1998, the National Environmental Management: Protected Areas Act 57 of 2003, the National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act 10 of 2004, the National Environmental Management: Air Quality Act 39 of 2004, the National Environmental Management: Integrated Coastal Management Act 24 of 2008, the National Environmental Management: Waste Act 59 of 2008 and  the World Heritage Convention Act 49 of 1999. This tool assists the company to identify environmental authorisation requirements prior to commencement of activities and thus avoiding prosecution.

+ - HSE Compliance Calendar

An HSE Compliance Calendar is a register reflecting all environmental legal reporting and other obligations relevant to our client’s operations. Timeframes, responsible persons and status of compliance are also indicated to facilitate implementation of the calendar and Shangoni provides assistance in prompting clients when action is required.

+ - HSE Legal Compliance Master Plan

An HSE Legal Compliance Master Plan is a register containing all recent findings from previous compliance audits done on the Company. Corrective actions, timeframes, responsible persons and status of corrections are indicated to ensure timeous close-out of all issues.


Suzette Hartzer-Marais

Legal Specialist


083 785 1122