This advertisement gives notice to potential Interested and Affected Parties (“I&APs”) about where information can be obtained in respect of the application for environmental authorisation, as well as the opportunity that I&APs have, to comment on the draft Basic Assessment Report (“BAR”).
Rooitop Ontwikkeling (Pty) Ltd is proposing to develop Portion 46 of the Farm Vluytjeskraal 272 for an additional neighbourhood for housing development.
The development will consist mainly of residential units and a small area consisting of light industrial units. The areas around the stream as well as four additional areas will not be developed and have been zoned as Open Spaces. There are two existing roads, one north of the site and the other one south leading to the proposed development area. These roads will be used for access to the site and the internal roads will be constructed to provide access to the units. Potable water and electricity (from existing bulk services) will also be provided to each unit, with such located next to the internal roads (road reserve). Sewage lines from each unit will be installed. These will be connected to an existing bulk sewerage line that will convey sewage to the current sewage treatment plant (operated by the Orania Council).
Rooitop Ontwikkeling (Pty) Ltd will be responsible for the construction of roads and services as discussed above. These activities will entail the clearance of vegetation, excavating soil for underground services (i.e., electricity, water and sewage) and the demarcation of units. Once the units have been serviced and demarcated such will be sold to prospective buyers. These buyers will be responsible for constructing of the infrastructure on the property. Such will include further clearance of vegetation and soil excavation as part of construction.
Legislation associated with the application
A Basic Assessment Report (“BAR”) will be required in compliance with the National Environmental Management Act, 1998 (Act No.107 of 1998) (“NEMA”) and the NEMA Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations, 2014 (GN R982 of 4 December 2014) (“GN R982”), as amended, for the authorisation of listed activities contained in the Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations Listing Notice 1 of 2014 (GN R983 of 4 December 2014) (“GNR 983”), as amended.
Applications submitted to competent authority.
An application for Environmental Authorisation was submitted to the Department of Agriculture, Environmental Affairs, Rural Development and Land Reform (“DAEARDLR”) 27 September 2022.
Listed activities applied to the application.
The activities that will be applied for include:
Listing Notice 1:
- Listed Activity 27 of Listing Notice 1 (GNR 983 of GG 38282 of 4 Dec 2014, as amended)
- Listed Activity 28 (i) of listing Notice 1 GNR 983 of 4 December 2014, as amended)
- Listed Activity 30 of listing Notice 1 GNR 983 of 4 December 2014, as amended)
Listing Notice 3:
- Listed Activity 12 (ii) of listing Notice 3 GNR 985 of 4 December 2014, as amended)
- Activity 14 (c) (iii) (aa) of listing Notice 3 GNR 985 of 4 December 2014, as amended)
South Africans have a right to be informed about potential decisions that may affect them and to be afforded an opportunity to influence those decisions. This advertisement forms part of a Public Participation Process as part of the project. It describes the various components of the project to enable I&APs to get a better understanding of the potential environmental and social impacts that could be expected from the proposed project. It also outlines the process and the opportunities for the public to become involved during the study.
Register as an Interested and Affected Party (I&AP)
Rooitop Ontwikkeling (Pty) Ltd has appointed Shangoni Management Services (Pty) Ltd. as the independent Environmental Assessment Practitioner to undertake the Environmental Authorisation application and stakeholder engagement process. You may register as an I&AP. To register as an I&AP to this project, or to obtain more information or submit comments, please request a Registration form from Shangoni and return it together with any comments to Shangoni at the details provided below.
Availability of the draft Basic Assessment Report (“BAR”)
The draft BAR will be made available to the public for review for a period of 30 days from 4 November 2022 till 5 December 2022 on the Shangoni’s website ( and at the Orania Library.
Where to obtain more information
To obtain additional information please contact the EAP at the details provided below:
Environmental Assessment Practitioner (EAP): Shangoni Management Services (Pty) Ltd.
Contact person: Lesley Keay
Tel: 012 807 7036
Fax: 012 807 1014
Postal Address: P. O. Box 74726, Lynnwood Ridge, 0040