Notice Title: National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act, 10 of 2004 (“NEMBA”): Consultation on the Biodiversity Management Plans for Aloe Ferox and Honeybush Species (Cyclopia Subternata and Cyclopia Intermedia)
Government Notice: GN 563 in GG 44764 on 25 June 2021
Commencing date: Comments to be submitted on or before 26 July 2021
The Minister of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment, published the Draft Biodiversity Management Plans (“BMP”) for Aloe Ferox and Honeybush Species (Cyclopia Subternata and Cyclopia Intermedia), developed under section 43 read with sections 99 and 100 of the NEMBA, for public comments.
Draft BMP for Aloe Ferox:
The aim of the BMP is to ensure the long-term survival of Aloe Ferox in habitat, whilst ensuring that the livelihoods of stakeholders are respected. To achieve this aim, the following seven objectives have been identified during the development of the BMP:
- To ensure that the wild harvesting of Aloe Ferox is carried out in an adaptive, practical, participatory and transparent manner that maintains the long-term survival of the species in the wild.
- To ensure that the wild collection of Aloe Ferox does not adversely affect the structure and functioning of the surrounding environment.
- To establish and implement monitoring systems for Aloe Ferox that provide the scientific evidence required to inform responsive management practices.
- To ensure that collection and management activities are carried out under legitimate tenure arrangements and comply with relevant laws, regulations and agreements.
- To ensure that the customary rights of local and indigenous communities ‘to access their land including indigenous/traditional knowledge associated with Aloe Ferox and to manage collection/harvesting areas are recognised and respected and integrated into the permitting process/decision making process.
- To ensure that through fair and equitable sharing of benefits derived from the biotrade and bioprospecting of Aloe Ferox, the conservation and sustainable use of the species is promoted and the livelihoods of communities are enhanced.
- To promote transnational management of Aloe Ferox across its natural range in South Africa and Lesotho.
These proposed objectives are supported by several actions as per the action plan of this BMP.
Draft BMP for Honeybush Species (Cyclopia Subternata and Cyclopia Intermedia):
The aim of this Draft BMP is to ensure the long-term survival of C. subternata and C. intermedia populations in the wild, whilst safeguarding and respecting the livelihoods of stakeholders. Specific activities will need to be undertaken to enable the sustainable utilisation of the species whilst ensuring that systems are in place to monitor ongoing impacts of commercial extraction. The proposed objectives of this BMP, include:
- To ensure that wild collection of C. subternata and C. intermedia is carried out in an ecologically sound and sustainable manner that maintains long-term survival of the species in the wild.
- To ensure that wild collection of C. subternata and C. intermedia does not adversely affect the environment, including ecosystem function.
- To ensure that collection and management activities are carried out under legitimate tenure arrangements and comply with relevant laws, regulations and agreements.
- To ensure that through fair and equitable sharing of benefits derived from the biotrade and bioprospecting of C. subternata and C. intermedia, the conservation and sustainable use of honeybush species is promoted.
- To ensure wild collection of C. subternata and C. intermedia is based upon adaptive, practical, participatory and transparent management practices.
- To inform management practices that can rationally be applied to other commercial Cyclopia species, whether reseeders or resprouters.
- To ensure the protection/management of genetic C. subternata and C. intermedia resources.
Members of the public are invited to submit written comments and inputs on or before 26 July 2021. For a copy of the Government Notice click here.
For assistance or queries please contact Jan Nel at