January 2020

Notice Title: Consultation on Intention to Amendment of Section 24H Registration Authority Regulations, 2016 Government Gazette Notice: GN 40 in GG 42967 of 24 January 2020 Commencing date: Not yet effective The Environmental Assessment Practitioners Association of South Africa (“EAPASA”) was appointed as the single Registration Authority for


Shangoni is pleased to announce its collaboration with Enterprises University of Pretoria to provide our clients with an opportunity to attend a course on mine closure and rehabilitation in 2020. Commencing date: 21 February 2020 Price: R 30 480.00 Course description Why a Mine Closure and Rehabilitation programme? The South


Notice Title: Notice to install water measuring devices for water taken for irrigation purposes and to monitor compliance with Government Notice no. 131 of 2017; all water users who are not members of an Irrigation Board or Water Users Association in all water management areas. Government


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Title: Procedures to be followed for the assessment and minimum criteria for reporting of identified environmental themes in terms of section 24(5)(a) and (h) of the National Environmental Management Act, 1998, when applying for environmental authorisation Government Gazette Notice: GN 9 in GG 42946 of 10