February 2022

Notice Title: Marine Living Resources Act, 18 of 1998 (“MLRA”): Publication of the National Freshwater (Inland) Wild Capture Fisheries Policy for implementation Government Notice: GN 1790 in GG 45954 on 25 February 2022 Commencing date: 25 February 2022 The Minister of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment (“the Minister”)


Notice Title: National Environmental Management: Waste Act, 59 of 2008 (“NEMWA”): Amendments to the List of Waste Management Activities that Have, or are Likely to Have, a Detrimental Effect on the Environment and Determination of Commencement Date for the National Norms and Standards for Organic


Notice Title: National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act 10 of 2004 (“NEMBA”): Request for comments on the inclusion of Seventeen Succulent Plant Species and one Succulent Plant Genus in Appendix III of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora Government Notice:


Notice Title: National Environmental Management Act 107 of 1998 (“NEMA”): Amendment of Section 24H Registration Authority Regulations, 2016 Government Notice: GN 1733 in GG 45883 on 7 February 2022 Commencing date: 7 February 2022 The Minister of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment (“the Minister”) in terms of sections


Notice Title: National Environmental Management: Air Quality Act, 39 of 2004 (“NEMAQA”): Proposed regulations for implementing and enforcing Priority Area Air Quality Government Notice: GN 1738 in GG 4589 on 11 February 2022 Commencing date: Comments to be submitted by 14 March 2022 The Minister of Forestry, Fisheries


Notice Title: Mine Health and Safety Act 29 of1996 (“MHSA”): Guideline for the Compilation of a Mandatory Code of Practice (“MCOP”) for an Occupational Health Programme on Noise Government Notice: GN 1755 in GG 45903 on 11 February 2022 Commencing date: Effective from 1 May 2022 The Chief


Notice Title: Mine Health and Safety Act 29 of1996 (“MHSA”): Guideline for the Compilation of a Mandatory Code of Practice (“MCOP”) for an Occupational Health Programme on Thermal Stress Government Notice: GN 1754 in GG 45903 on 11 February 2022 Commencing date: Effective from 1 May 2022 The


Notice Title: Disaster Management Act, 57 of 2002 (“DMA”): Amendment of Regulations issued in terms of section 27(2) (Amendment Alert Level) Government Notice: GN 1715 in GG 45855 on 1 February 2022 Commencing date: 1 February 2022 The Minister of Cooperate Governance and Traditional Affairs (“the Minister”) published


Notice Title: National Environmental Management: Air Quality Act 39 of 2004 (“NEMAQA”): Methodological Guidelines for Quantification of Greenhouse Gas Emissions – Carbon Sequestration in the Forestry Industry Government Notice: GN 1700 in GG 45816 on 28 January 2022 Commencing date: 28 January 2022 The Minister of Forestry, Fisheries


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