Title: Driven Machinery Regulations, 2015: Correction notice
Government Notice: GN 913 in Government Gazette 39253 of 2 October 2015
Date of commencement: 2 October 2015
Potentially affected controls: Legal appointment letters, competency matrixes
These regulations give notice of corrections regarding the Driven Machinery regulations published on 24 June 2015 in Government Notice R540 in Government Gazette 38905. Take note that the Driven Machinery regulations published on 24 June 2015 took effect on 30 September 2015.
The definitions of “competent person”, “working load limit” and “safe working load” as well as the content of regulation 21(4) are corrected by this notice as follow:
“competent person” means a person who-
(a) has in respect of the work or task to be performed, the required knowledge, training and experience and, where applicable qualifications, specific to that work or task: Provided that where appropriate qualifications and training are registered in terms of the provisions of the National Qualification Framework Act, 2008 (Act No. 67 of 2008), those qualifications and that training must be regarded as the required qualifications and training: and
(b) is familiar with the Act and with the applicable regulations made under the Act:
“safe working load” means the mass load applicable to a piece of equipment or system as determined by a competent person taking into account the environment and operating conditions;
“Working Load Limit” has a corresponding meaning;
21(4) Any holder adversely affected by a decision of the chief inspector may appeal in writing to the Labour Court against such decision.