Title: Draft: The South African Criteria, Indicators and Standards for Sustainable Forest Management, 2015
Government Notice: GN 1066 in GG39379 of 6 November 2015
Date of commencement: Not yet specified
Potentially affected controls: The management and maintenance of forests on site
In terms of section 4(2) of the National Forests Act 84 of 1998 the Minister may determine the following:
- Criteria on the basis of which it can be determined whether or not forests are being managed sustainably;
- Indicators which may be used to measure the state of forest management; and
- Appropriate standards in relation to the indicators; and create or promote certification programmes and other incentives to encourage sustainable forest management.
The latest version of the Draft Principles, Criteria and Indicators (CPIs) on DAFF’s website is version 5. Some of the reviewed components of the CPIs include the following additions:
- Criteria and indicators to measure and monitor carbon stocks in forests
- Research on carbon stocks and impacts of climate change relevant to the forestry sector
- Insights on appropriate certification standards and guidance
- Updated operating procedures and audit template.
Copies of the reviewed CPIs are obtainable from the Directorate Commercial Forestry, email (mmakwenam@daff.gov.za) and from the DAFF website (www.daff.gov.za). Interested stakeholders wishing to comment must forward their written comments to the Directorate: Commercial Forestry within 30 days of the date of the publication of this notice.