Title: Correction to the compulsory specification for energy efficiency and labeling of electrical and electronic apparatus (VC 9008)
Government Notice: GN R710 in Government Gazette 39091 of 13 August 2015
Date of commencement: 13 August 2015
Potentially affected controls: Manufacturing designs and approval of electrical and electronic apparatus for sale or importation
Compulsory specifications for energy efficiency and labelling of electrical and electronic apparatus for the sale or importation thereof were originally published in GN 944 in Government Gazette 38232 of 28 November 2014. This compulsory specification covers energy efficiency requirements and energy efficiency labeling of the following electrical and electronic apparatus:
- air conditioners not exceeding 7.1 kW (24 000 btu/h) cooling capacity, of the wall mounted split, window and portable types, and heat pumps for space heating and cooling;
- audio and video equipment, including television sets, video recording equipment, simple set top boxes (SSTBs), audio equipment and multi-function equipment for consumer use; television sets include, but are not limited to, those with cathode ray tube (CRT), liquid crystal display (LCD), plasma display panel (PDP), or projection technologies;
- dishwashers;
- electric ovens;
- refrigerators and freezers;
- tumble dryers;
- washer-dryer combinations; and
- washing machines.
A company/ person desirous to sell or import any of the above mentioned types of apparatus must ensure that such has been approved by the National Regulator for Compulsory Specifications (NRCS) before offering it for sale.
The implementation of these specifications will occur in various phases. The subsequent notice published on 13 August 2015 amended the implementation phases specified in the initial notice. The following implementation phases are now applicable:
Phase 1: Six (6) months after the publication of this notice for audio, video and related equipment. Products that are already in the market and approved by the NRCS for safety requirements are to comply with this compulsory specification twelve (12) months after the publication of this notice.
Phase 2: From 26 February 2016 for electric ovens, refrigerators, freezers, dishwashers, tumble dryers, washer -dryer combinations and washing machines. Products that are already in the market and approved by the NRCS for safety requirements are to comply with this compulsory specification from 26 May 2016.
Phase 3: From 28 November 2016 for air conditioners and heat pumps.