Title: Fees payable to Presiding Officers, Medical Assessors, Employer and Employer Assessors, Interpreters and Members of the Compensation Board as determined by the Minister under the Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act, 1993
Government Notice: GN 1049 in Government Gazette 39354 of 2 November 2015
Date of commencement: 2 November 2015
The Minister of Labour approved the following amounts for Presiding Officers, Medical Assessors, Employer and Employer Assessors, Interpreters and Members of the Compensation Board:
Employer and Employee Assessors (s8(6)) | R555.00 per hour to a maximum of 8 hours per day for attending meetings, hearings or for the investigation of any matter. | 1. The fee payable to an employer and/ or employee assessor for a cancellation or postponement of any matter within 24 hours or on the day of the hearing shall be 30% of the daily fee payable to an employer and/ or employee assessor.
2. No fee shall be payable if the matter is postponed more than 24 hours before the day set of hearing. |
Members of the Compensation Board (s13(3)) | R555.00 per hour for attending meetings, hearings or for the investigation of any matter. | 1. The fee payable to an employer member of the Compensation Board for a cancellation or postponement of any matter within 24 hours or on the day of the hearing shall be 30% of the daily fee payable to a member of the Compensation Board.
2. No fee shall be payable if the matter is postponed more than 24 hours before the day set of hearing. |
Medical Assessors (s8(4)) | R690.00 per hour to a maximum of 8 hours per day for attending meetings, hearings or for the investigation of any matter. | 1. The fee payable to a medical assessor for a cancellation or postponement of any matter within 24 hours or on the day of the hearing shall be 30% of the daily fee payable to a medical assessor.
2. No fee shall be payable if the matter is postponed more than 24 hours before the day set of hearing. |
Presiding officers (s4(2)(a)) | R690.00 per hour to a maximum of 8 hours per day for attending meetings, hearings or for the investigation of any matter.
In respect of Reasons for Findings: R1000.00 per signed copy per matter. |
1. The fee payable to a presiding officer for a cancellation or postponement of any matter within 24 hours or on the day of the hearing shall be 30% of the daily fee payable to a presiding officer.
2. No fee shall be payable if the matter is postponed more than 24 hours before the day set of hearing. |
Interpreters (s4(2)(a)) | R305.00 per hour to a maximum of 8 hours per day for attending meetings, hearings or for the investigation of any matter. | 1. The fee payable to an interpreter for a cancellation or postponement of any matter within 24 hours or on the day of the hearing shall be 30% of the daily fee payable to a presiding officer.
2. No fee shall be payable if the matter is postponed more than 24 hours before the day set of hearing. |