Title: National Environmental Management: Waste Act (59/2008): Amendments to Waste Tyre Regulations, 2009
Government Gazette Notice: GN R1493 in GG 10670 of 2 December 2016
Commencing date: 2 December 2016

The Waste Tyre Regulations (“the Regulations”) were published in terms of the Environment Conservation Act 73 of 1989 (ECA) in GN R149 in GG 31901 of 13 February 2009. This notice now amends these Regulations.

In terms of regulation 6(4) of the Regulations all tyre producers are now obliged to register and comply with an approved integrated industry waste management plan. The Waste Tyre Management Plan for the Recycling and Economic Development Initiative South Africa (REDISA) was gazetted on 30 November 2012 and is currently the only approved plan in South Africa pertaining to waste tyres. All tyre producers are, therefore, obliged to register with REDISA and to pay a tyre levy of R2.30 excluding VAT per kilogram of tyres produced.

Amendments are also made pertaining to specific notification and registration requirements of tyre producers, waste tyre stockpile owners and content of an integrated industry waste management plan. An integrated industry waste management plan must be aligned with the pricing strategy for waste management charge and very specific requirements pertaining to the manner of notification of industry waste management plans must be adhered to. Amendments to the contents and consideration of waste tyre abatement plans are also made, as well as to the requirements for the storage of waste tyres.

So what for my operation?
It is important for your organisation to take note of the amendments to the Regulations if your organisation produces/ stores waste tyres on site. Also take note that the maximum imprisonment penalty for non-compliance with the Regulations has been increased from 10 years to 15 years.

What is Shangoni’s approach?
Shangoni can assist operations in the mining and non-mining industry in the identification of legal requirements pertaining to waste tyre management on site. Furthermore, Shangoni can provide assistance in ensuring that operations comply with the legal requirements, including storage practises and the compilation of waste tyre abatement plans. Please do not hesitate to contact Shangoni for any assistance in this regard.