Title: Draft National Pollution Prevention Plan Regulations
Government Notice: GN 5 in GG 39578 of 8 January 2016
Date of commencement: Not yet specified

The purpose of these draft regulations is to prescribe the requirements that pollution prevention plans need to comply with in terms of section 29(3) of the National Environmental Management Air Quality Act 39 of 2004. The following aspects are addressed in these draft regulations:
• Requirements for pollution prevention plans
• Submission and approval of pollution prevention plans
• Submission and approval of annual progress reports
• Verification of information

“So what” for my operation?
In terms of these regulations the following operations will have to submit a pollution prevention plan:
• A person conducting a production process set out in Annexure A which involves the direct emission of greenhouses gases in excess of 0.1 Megatonnes (Mt) annually measured as carbon dioxide equivalents (C02-eq), or
• a person undertaking production process listed in Annexure A as a primary activity.

If the nature of your operation falls within one of these requirements, your operation will have to compile a pollution prevention plan. If this is not done, this constitutes an offence punishable by a fine of maximum R5 million (R10 million for a second offence) or imprisonment of maximum 5 years (10 years for a second offence), or both.

What can Shangoni do for my operation?
Applying simulated results together with operational information, Shangoni can develop site
specific pollution prevention plans.