Title: Regulations related to small-scale fishing, 2015
Government Notice: GN 229 in GG 39790 of 8 March 2016
Date of commencement: 8 March 2016
The Small-Scale Fishing Regulations was published on 8 March 2016. These Regulations provide communities an opportunity to register their expression of interest with the Department as small-scale fishing communities, within 30 days of the publication of this notice. If a community has been recognised as such, the Minister must assist the community in, inter alia, applying for a small-scale fishing right and the demarcation of small-scale fishing areas. Certain criteria for small-scale fishers, small-scale fishing communities and small-scale fishing rights allocation have been specified, as well as provisions related to Small-scale fishing areas and zones as well as the management of right of access.
“So what” for my operation?
During engagement in small scale fishing in South Africa in near-shore fishing grounds, compliance to the provisions of the Small-Scale Fishing Regulations must be ensured.