Title: Classes and resource quality objectives of water resources for the Olifants Catchment, Olifants-doorn Catchment, for catchments of the Upper, Middle and Lower Vaal
Government Notice: GN 466-470 in GG 39922 of 22 April 2016
Date of commencement: 22 April 2016
In this notice the classes of water resources and the resource quality objectives for the Olifants Catchment, Olifants-doorn Catchment, for catchments of the Upper, Middle and Lower Vaal have been published.
The following aspects are discussed in these notices:
• Description of the water resources;
• A discussion on the determination of the class of water resources and resource quality objectives.
“So what” for my operation?
It is important for your operation to take note of these classes and objectives during an application for a water use licence and to ensure that effective management measures are implemented to prevent unlawful impacts on these catchments.
What is Shangoni’s approach?
Shangoni can assist in the facilitation of water use licence applications. During this facilitation, all applicable information and legislation, including these classes and quality objectives, are taken into consideration.