Title: Limiting the use of water in terms of Item 6 of Schedule 3 of the National Water Act of 1998 For urban, irrigation and industrial (including mining) purpose from the Middelburg Dam
Government Gazette Notice: GN 958 in GG 40229 of 26 August 2016
Commencing date: 26 August 2016
The Acting Director-General of the Department of Water and Sanitation reasonably believes that a water shortage exists in the Klein Olifants River upstream of the Middelburg Dam catchment due to insufficient rains and that it is necessary to limit the taking of water from the Klein Olifants River upstream of the Middelburg Dam and including the Middelburg Dam. Consequently, he restricted the taking of water by users for urban, irrigation and industrial (including mining) purposes from the Klein Olifants River upstream and including Middelburg Dam as follows:
– 15% to 30ML per day.
The limitation applies from the date of this notice until further notice.
“So what” for my operation?
Should your operation be located within this catchment, it is important for your operation to have knowledge of these restrictions as relevant to the quantities of water allowed to be taken from the specified water systems. If you contravene this notice, the authority may modify, or require you to modify the contravening waterwork so that it cannot be used to take more water than that allowed for in the notice; or remove the waterwork or require you to remove the waterwork if the notice contains a prohibition on the use of that waterwork. Any reasonable costs incurred by this modification or removal may be recovered from your operation.
What is Shangoni’s approach?
Shangoni can assist individuals and industries located in the affected area in developing a detailed water conservation/demand management strategy.