Author: Shangoni Admin

Title: Draft National Sanitation Policy: For Comment Government Notice: GN 70 in GG 39688 of 12 February 2016 Date of commencement: Not yet specified The scope of the policy include the policy positions required to support equity in the sanitation sector; to strengthen sanitation institutions and to ensure


Occupational health programme on thermal stress Title: Mine Health and Safety Act (29/1996) (MHSA)): Guideline for A Mandatory Code of Practice for an Occupational Health Programme (Occupational Hygiene and Medical Surveillance) on Thermal Stress Government Notice: GN 146 in GG 39656 of 5 February 2015 Date of commencement:


The following guidelines for mandatory Codes of Practice have been published: 1. OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH PROGRAMME Title: Mine Health and Safety Act (29/1996): guideline for a mandatory code of practice (COP) for an Occupational Health Programme (occupational hygiene and medical surveillance) on thermal stress Government Notice: GN R146 in


Potentially affected controls: Applications for authorisation in terms of NEMA and NEMPA In terms of section 22A of the National Environmental Management: Protected Areas Act 57 of 2003 (NEMPA) the Minister of Environmental Affairs may declare marine protected areas for, inter alia, conservation purposes and to