Title: Declaration of the exploration and/or production of onshore naturally occurring hydrocarbons that require stimulation, including but not limited to hydraulic fracturing and/or underground gasification, to extract, and any activity incidental thereto that may impact detrimentally on the water resource as a controlled activity in terms of s. 38 (1) and publication of schedule of all controlled activities in terms of s. 38 (4)
Government Notice: GN 999 in Government Gazette 39299 of 16 October 2015
Date of commencement: 16 October 2015
Potentially affected controls: Water use licence applications (Section 21(e))
The exploration and/or production of onshore naturally occurring hydrocarbons that require stimulation, including but not limited to hydraulic fracturing and/or underground gasification, to extract, and any activity incidental thereto that may impact detrimentally on the water resource has been declared a controlled activity in terms of the NWA. Subsequently a water use licence is required for conducting this activity.