Title: Regulations regarding the exclusion of a waste stream or a portion of a waste stream from the definition of waste
Government Gazette Notice: GN 715 in GG 41777 of 18 July 2018
Commencing date: 18 July 2018

The Minister of Environmental Affairs made regulations regarding the exclusion of a waste stream or a portion of a waste stream from the definition of waste. The purpose of these Regulations is to:
• prescribe the manner in which a person or a category of persons may apply to the Minister for the exclusion of a waste stream or a portion of waste stream for beneficial use from the definition of waste;
• exclude permitted uses of a waste stream or a portion of waste stream from the definition of waste; and
• promote diversion of waste from landfill disposal to its beneficial use.

The Regulations provide for the requirements and application process to exclude waste streams or a portion of a waste stream. Furthermore, provision is made for a Register that lists all waste streams that are automatically excluded from the definition of waste. This register will be published on the South African Waste Information Centre.

How to ensure compliance at my operation?

Waste generators can now apply for the exclusion of a waste stream or a portion thereof from the definition of waste by conducting a risk assessment and compiling a risk management plan to demonstrate that the beneficial use of the specific waste can be managed in such a way as to ensure that the use will not result in significant adverse impacts on the environment.

Once the Register of waste streams excluded from the definition of waste is published on the South African Waste Information Centre the waste streams listed in the Register will automatically be excluded from the definition of waste.

Holders of exemptions and waste management licences must continue to comply with the conditions of the aforementioned until its expiry. Thereafter an application for exclusion can be made in terms of the regulations by submitting a risk assessment and a risk assessment plan within 90 days after the expiry of an exemption or waste management licence.

What is Shangoni’s approach?

Shangoni can assist operations in identifying all waste streams on your site and to apply for the exclusion of a waste stream or a portion thereof. For more information or assistance please contact Nico Brits at nico@shangoni.co.za

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