Title: Biodiversity Economy Strategy for the Department of Environmental Affairs
Government Notice: GN 965 in Government Gazette 39268 of 9 October 2015
Date of commencement: Not yet specified
Potentially affected controls: Applications for environmental authorisation in terms of NEMA
The biodiversity economy of South Africa encompasses the businesses and economic activities that either directly depend on biodiversity for their core business or that contribute to conservation of biodiversity through their activities. The biodiversity economy addressed in this strategy is currently limited to two sub-sectors within the biodiversity economy, namely the bioprospecting and wildlife sectors.
A strategy is a high level plan which directs the actions of key role players so that a variety of goals may be achieved. The Biodiversity Economy Strategy (BES) is a fourteen (14) year strategy that is required to guide the sustainable growth of the biodiversity sector. The BES will have the following functions:
- Serve as a guide for the sustainable growth of the wildlife and bioprospecting industries;
- Provide a basis for addressing constraints for growth;
- Ensuring sustainability;
- Identifying clear stakeholder responsibilities; and
- Monitoring progress of the enabling actions identified in the strategy.
For the BES to be successful in developing and growing the biodiversity economy all stakeholders in the sector need to play a role.
The Public is invited to submit to the Minister, within 30 working days after publication of the notice In the Gazette, their comments on the Biodiversity Economy Strategy to the addresses specified in the notice.