Title: Draft Climate Smart Agriculture Strategic Framework for Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
Government Gazette Notice: GN 428 in GG 41811 of 3 August 2018
Commencing date: Not yet specified
The Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries published the draft Climate Smart Agriculture Strategic Framework (“the framework”) for comment on 3 August 2018.
Climate change is currently negatively impacting on agriculture production both in aquaculture, plant and animal farming. This will inherently impact negatively on the sustainability of the agriculture sector and its ability to provide food and employment opportunities. The framework is published in response to climate change and its related effects experienced.
This framework outlines the role that Climate Smart Agriculture (“CSA”) can play in addressing vulnerabilities facing the agriculture sector. The five core objectives of the framework are:
• To guide actions at all levels of government, investors and development partners on mainstreaming CSA into agriculture, forestry and fisheries plans, programmes and projects.
• Contribute to increasing productivity and growth of agricultural, forestry and fisheries related value chains with nutrition and gender considerations.
• Enhance resilience to climatic and weather shocks on the social, environmental, and economic aspects of agriculture, forestry and fisheries production and food systems.
• Contribute to low carbon development through efficient use of agricultural, agribusiness, forestry and fisheries resources to reduce national emission intensity.
Members of the public are invited to submit comments on the framework to the Department within 60 days from the date publication of this notice. For a copy of the notice click here.