Title: Draft National Greenhouse Gas Emission Reporting Regulations, 2015
Government Notice: GN 336 in GG 40054 of 7 June 2016
Date of commencement: Not yet specified
The first draft of the National Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emission Reporting Regulations was published May 2015. This is now a new draft of these regulations. The purpose of these regulations are to introduce a single national reporting system for the reporting of GHG emission, ultimately to establish a national GHG emission inventory, as required by the UNFCCC and other international agreements related to climate change.
- The following has been included in these set of regulations:
- Addition of the definitions of validation, transparency and verification;
- Amendment of the classification of emission sources and data providers;
- Amendment of annexure 2 to the regulations (guidelines in identifying the data provider on the
- National Atmospheric Emission Inventory System (NAEIS);
- Amendment of reporting requirements;
- Inclusion of monitoring and reporting methods;
- Amendment to the list of activities for which GHG emissions must be reported;
- Amendment of annexure 3 to the regulations (annual reporting requirements);
- Amendment of annexure 4 to the regulations (Information accompanying submissions); and
- Amendments to the transitional arrangements (transitional period of five years).
“So what” for my operation?
Should your organisation falls within one of the following categories, registration and reporting on the NAEIS will be compulsory, in line with the final regulations, once published.
Any person in control of or conducting an activity marked in the Category A column above the capacity given in the threshold column of the table in Annexure 1 to these Regulations
Any organ of state, research institution or academic institution, which holds greenhouse gas emission data or activity data relevant for calculating greenhouse gas emissions relating to a category identified in table Annexure 1 (Category B Column) to these Regulations.
If you do not comply with the provisions of these Regulations, once finalized, your operation (or the guilty individuals) will be liable in the case of a first conviction to a fine not exceeding R5 million or to imprisonment of a period not exceeding five years, and in the case of a second or subsequent conviction to a fine not exceeding R10 million or imprisonment for a period not exceeding 10 years and in respect of both instances to both such fine and such imprisonment.
What is Shangoni’s approach?
Facilitation of registration and reporting on the NAEIS
Shangoni has the expertise and experience in facilitating registration of our clients, as well as assisting in subsequent reporting on NAEIS, as required. Shangoni recommends the following process to be followed to ensure compliance to these Regulations, once finalised:
1. Register on the NAEIS
The first step for the applicable operations will be to register. You can either self-register on NAEIS by following the following link https://saaelip.environment.gov.za/SAAELIP/home/ or you can ask the NAEIS Authority to register your source (NAEISadmin@environment.gov.za). When you register it is important that you select the ACO option and not the ECO/Consultant option. Please note, an Accounting Officer (ACO) is the person at your facility who is responsible for setting up and maintaining your NAEIS report (This is usually the responsible person on the AEL or the SHEQ managers, but it can be any other employee assigned with this responsibility). If you did your registration by yourself, it is also important to remember that you send an email to the NAEIS authority and ask them to link you with the system.
2. NAIES Reporting
Once you are linked to your facility you can continue to compile the different section of your NAEIS report. If you have a consultant assisting you in the compilation of your online NAEIS report, you can assign the consultant to your facility by following the following steps: sign into your NAEIS and go to my account>Manage Consultants and Preparers>Add User> Insert your consultants email address and the effective date and expiration date. Once you have done this, select Validate and Associate. Select Add Authorization and give the person the rights of preparer and/or viewer and select OK.
Once your NAEIS report is complete and you have passed the completeness test, you can submit your reports, as and when required. This report can also be printed to keep as a hard copy.