Title: Rustenburg Local Municipality: Integrated Waste Management By-law
Government Notice: PN 105 in North West Provincial Gazette 7653 of 7 June 2016
Date of commencement: 7 June 2016
The main objectives of this By-law are as follow:
(a) to regulate the collection, handling, storage, transport, recycling, treatment and disposal of waste;
(b) to create an enabling environment for the private sector to fulfil their future EPR obligations of materials recovery that is linked to priority wastes and for which they are required to follow a DEA approved industrial waste management plan;
(c) to optimise the existing and future municipal waste collection scheme, handling practices, and public drop off facilities so that they allow for the most efficient recovery of materials;
(d) to regulate the pursuance of an integrated waste management approach;
(e) to regulate the provision of municipal services by a municipal service provider and commercial services by licensed service providers; and
(f) to enhance sustainable development.
To achieve these objectives, various legal requirements pertaining to the management, handling, storage, transport and disposal of waste in this municipal area have been specified.
“So what” for my operation?
If your operation conducts activities in this municipal area, it must be ensured that your operation adheres to these legal requirements, in addition to the national waste management requirements as published in terms of the National Environmental Management Waste Act 59 of 2008 and regulations thereunder. Non-compliance with this By-law will result in criminal liability which is punishable by a fine or imprisonment.
What is Shangoni’s approach?
Shangoni has the expertise and experience in assisting operations in ensuring that their waste management activities are in line with legal requirements. Specific services that Shangoni offers in this regard include the compilation of waste management plans, the conduct of legal compliance audits to verify the level of compliance to specific legislation and the provision of legal training to ensure that all relevant employees have knowledge of all legal requirements.