Title: Regulations Relating to Qualification Criteria, Training and Identification of, and forms to be used by Environmental Management Inspectors and Environmental Mineral Resource Inspectors
Government Gazette Notice: GN 480 in GG 40879 of 31 May 2017
Commencing Date: 31 May 2017
These Regulations prescribe legal requirements pertaining to Environmental Management Inspectors (EMIs) and Environmental Mineral Resource Inspectors (EMRIs). Specifically, legal requirements regarding the following are included:
• Qualification criteria and training for inspectors;
• Mandates;
• Issue of identity cards;
• Contents and period of validity of identity cards;
• Duties of the designated authority;
• Format of section 31 H(1)(b) written notices (form also included in annexure 2);
• Section 31L compliance notices (form also included in annexure 3);
• Transitional arrangements pertaining to EMIs or EMRIs that have already been issued with identity cards in terms of the previous Regulations.
So what for my operation?
When EMIs or EMRIs arrive on your site, they have to adhere to specific legal requirements, as included in these Regulations. It is important for you to have knowledge on their legal responsibilities, as well as your legal responsibilities during such a site visit.
What is Shangoni’s approach?
Shangoni Legal Services provides environmental legal training that can be customised to meet our clients’ specific needs. We have, on numerous occasions, provided detailed legal training on the legal framework on how to approach site visits by EMIs and EMRIs. For more information, contact Suzette Hartzer-Marais at