Title: Invitation to submit written comments on the proposed construction of the Cwabeni off-channel storage dam and the environmental impact assessment relating thereto
Government Notice: GN 139 in GG 39649 of 3 February 2016
Date of commencement: 3 February 2016
Potentially affected controls: All Interested and Affected Parties (I&AP’s).
The Cwabeni Off-Channel Storage (OCS) Dam will primarily augment the water supply of the Umzimkhulu Regional Water Supply Scheme (RWSS) that currently sources non-regulated flows from the Umzimkhulu River. The RWSS supplies domestic and industrial water to Port Shepstone and surrounds on the Southern Coast of KwaZulu-Natal. The proposed Cwabeni OCS Dam will also augment supply within the Mhlabatshane bulk Water Supply Scheme particularly those rural communities in the areas surrounding and north of the proposed dam. Together the proposed scheme will serve a total of around 260 000 people. About 50% of these people are considered poor and cannot easily pay for the water. The dam will consist of Cwabeni OCS dam and appurtenant works, as well as weir and abstraction works.
This notice invites interested parties to submit written comments on the proposed water works and the environmental impact assessment by 3 April 2016. Comments must be submitted to the address specified in the notice.