Notice Title: National Environmental Management: Waste Act, 59 of 2008 (“NEMWA”): National Norms and Standards for Organic Waste Composting
Government Notice: GN 561 in GG 44762 on 25 June 2021
Commencing date: 25 June 2021
The Minister of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment, in terms of section 7(1)(c) and 7(2)(a) of the NEMWA, set the National Norms and Standards for Organic Waste Composting (“Norms and Standards”) for implementation.
The purpose of the Norms and Standards is to:
- Provide a national uniform approach relating to controlling of composting of organic waste at a facility that falls within the threshold in order to prevent or minimise potential negative impacts on the bio-physical and socio-economic environment; and
- Ensure implementation of the best practical environmental option in the composting of organic waste.
For a copy of the Government Gazette Notice click here.
How to ensure compliance at my operations?
These Norms and Standards apply to organic waste composting facilities that have the capacity to process compostable organic waste, in excess of 10 tonnes per day.
The owner of an organic waste composting facility with the capacity to process less than 10 tonnes per day of organic waste must register in terms of clause 3(3) of the Norms and Standards, and align with the requirements of applicable integrated waste management by-laws, and comply with the principle of duty of care as contained in section 28 of the National Environmental Management Act, 107 of 1998.
A person who lawfully conducted an organic waste composting facility prior to and on the date of commencement of the Norms and Standards must continue with the activity for the duration as stipulated in the approval, authorisation or licence and after the expiry of the approval, authorisation or licence, must comply with the provisions of the Norms and Standards.
For more information or assistance please contact Jan Nel at