Notice Title: Occupational Health and Safety Act 85 of 1993: Asbestos Abatement Regulations, 2020
Government Gazette Notice: GN R1196 in GG 43893 on 10 November 2020
Commencing date: 10 November 2020
The Minister of Employment and Labour has, in terms of section 43 of the Occupational Health and Safety Act 85 of 1993 (“OHSA”), published the Asbestos Abatement Regulations, 2020 (“the Regulations”). For a copy of the Government Notice please click here
The Asbestos Regulations, 2001 (GN R155 in GG 23108 of 10 February 2002) published under the OHSA has been repealed by the Regulations.
How to ensure compliance at my operation?
A competent person must be appointed to conduct an assessment to identify if there is any asbestos in the workplace. The required assessment must be finalised by 9 May 2022. If no asbestos is identified the competent person will substantiate the workplace in writing as asbestos free and further compliance with the regulations will not be required. The following will be required should the assessment show that there is asbestos in the workplace:
- an asbestos inventory, asbestos risk assessment and asbestos management plan must be compiled by a competent person (to be revised every 24 months);
- training must be provided to all persons who may have incidental exposure to asbestos; and
- all asbestos containing material identified in the asbestos inventory must comply with the labelling and signage requirements contained in regulation 20.
The Regulations includes specific duties applicable to employees who may be exposed to asbestos, registered asbestos contractors and the approved asbestos inspection authority for asbestos work.
The Regulations furthermore includes requirements for:
- the control of exposure to asbestos;
- notification to the Chief Director: Provincial Operations before asbestos work may be carried out;
- regulated asbestos areas, air monitoring, medical surveillance, training needs and personal protective equipment;
- duties of asbestos Client, Asbestos contractor, and Approved Asbestos Inspection Authority;
- the disposal of asbestos;
- record keeping; and
- Asbestos Clearance Certificates.
How can Shangoni assist with compliance?
Shangoni can assist with the development of an asbestos inventory, asbestos risk assessment, asbestos surveys, asbestos exposure monitoring and asbestos management plan. These requirements can be integrated with existing SHE related processes, that include Baseline Risk Assessment, Training programs, Improvement Programmes, Compliance Assessments as well as Facility Management Processes (e.g. where maintenance of existing asbestos structures is required).
For more information please contact Gert van der Waal at