Title: Regulations relating to competent persons for explosives
Government Gazette Notice: GN R953 in GG 41904 of 14 September 2018
Commencing date: 14 December 2018
The Minister of Mineral Resources has, in terms of section 98(1) of the Mine Health and Safety Act 29 of 1996 (“MHSA”), amended Chapter 22 of the Mine Health and Safety Regulations published under GN R93 on 15 January 1997 by replacing regulation 22.4 with new competence requirements for the person appointed as “competent person” in terms of regulation 4.4(1). The changes will take effect three months after publication of this notice, i.e. on 14 December 2018.
How to ensure compliance at my operation?
Mining operations must ensure that the person appointed as “competent person” for purposes of regulation 4.4(1) is a holder of the one of the following certificates:
• Blasting certificate issued by the Department until 30 June 2009;
• Rock breaker or equivalent certificate issued by the Mining Qualifications Authority from 01 July 2009 to 31 May 2017; or
• Blasting certificate issued by the Department with effect from 01 June 2017.
This change in the Regulations may affect job descriptions, competency profiles, training needs analysis as well as internal compliance documents (COPs, SOPs, Managerial instructions).
What is Shangoni’s approach?
Shangoni has Occupational Health and Safety Specialists that can assist operations with the application of the new requirements. For more information, contact Corrie Potgieter at