Title: Regulations regarding the control of the import or export of waste
Government Gazette Notice: GN 22 in GG 42175 of 21 January 2019
Commencing date: Not in operation yet
The Minister of the Department of Environmental Affairs published the regulations regarding the control of the import or export of waste on 21 January 2019. The purpose of these regulations is firstly to establish procedures and control measures for the import, export and transit of waste and secondly to ensure cradle-to-cradle management in the transboundary movement of waste.
For a copy of the regulations click here.
How to ensure compliance at my operation?
In terms of these regulations general waste for landfilling; hazardous waste from developed countries; infectious portions of medical waste; and mixed wastes streams may not be imported into South Africa.
Consent from the Department of Environmental Affairs is required to:
• import hazardous and non-hazardous waste that does not fall within the aforementioned prohibitions;
• export hazardous and non-hazardous waste; and
• transit hazardous waste through South Africa.
The requirements that must be included in the consent applications are set out in Chapter 3 of the regulations.
Importers and exporters of waste must ensure that they comply with the record keeping requirements included in Chapter 6 of the regulations.
How can Shangoni assist?
Our waste management specialists can conduct a waste stream analysis at your operation to ensure that the correct waste streams are identified for the import or export of waste. Shangoni can furthermore assist with the required consent application process. For more information or assistance please contact Nico Brits at