Notice Title: Regulations Relating to Explosives
Government Gazette Notice: GN R953 in GG 41904 of 14 September 2018
Commencing date: 14 December 2018

The Minister of Mineral Resources has, in terms of section 98(1) of the Mine Health and Safety Act 29 of 1996 (“MHSA”), replaced the explosives regulations as set out in chapter 4 of the Mine Health and Safety Regulations published under GN R93 on 15 January 1997 with the explosives regulations as set out in the schedule to this notice.

The new explosive regulations take effect three months after publication of this notice, i.e. on 14 December 2018.

How does the changes affect compliance at my operation?
The amended regulations refined definitions and focus (coal mining vs any other mine) of the regulations. It further requires that risk based analysis is followed by the employer as part of operational practices.

Key changes in the amended regulations relate to:

  • that an employer of an underground mine may, by means of a risk assessment conducted in consultation with the explosives manufacturer or supplier, determine a safe distance to which explosives may be brought to a working face where the drilling of shot holes is not complete (Regulation 4.6(3)(a)(iv)); and
  • employers at both underground and surface mines are required to facilitate that (as per Regulations 4.6(3)(b), 4.6(5)(c) and Regulation 4.14):
    • stemming and tamping is performed between the explosive charge and the collar of the shot hole with a material determined in consultation with the explosives manufacturer/supplier and stemming manufacturer/supplier; and
    • with the length of the stemming and tamping material determinable by means of risk assessment.

What is Shangoni’s approach?
Shangoni has Occupational Health and Safety Specialists that can assist operations with the implementation of the requirements of the amended explosives regulations. For more information, contact Corrie Potgieter at