Title: Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act 130 of 1993 (COIDA): Rules, forms and particulars
Government Notice: GN 444 in GG 39928 of 15 April 2016
Date of commencement: 15 April 2016
In terms of section 82 of the COIDA an employer shall not later than the thirty-first day of March in each year furnish the Commissioner with a return in the prescribed form, certified by him, her or it as correct, showing, inter alia, the amount of earnings up to the maximum contemplated in section 83(8) paid by him, her or it to his, her or its employees during the period with effect from the first day of March of the immediately preceding year up to and including the last day of February of the following year. This notice specifies that the Return of Earnings form which shall be furnished shall be form W.As. 8, attached to this notice as annexure 1.
“So what” for my operation?
Registration of your business with the Compensation Commissioner in terms of COIDA can protect your business from a claim arising out of an accident in which an employee is affected. Should an accident arise out of and in the course of employment, the affected employee cannot claim compensation from the employer in terms of common law – he or she can only claim damages in terms of COIDA. For your business to remain registered with the Compensation Commissioner in terms of COIDA, your business must furnish the Compensation Commissioner with a completed Return of Earnings form as required by COIDA on an annual basis. Ensure that you use the correct form when submitting the Return of Earnings.